In the midst of a conversation with a high-powered millennial influencer several years ago, Lisa discovered this person had never been mentored. Never. By anyone. Then the influencer explained that none of their friends, who are also powerful influencers, had ever been mentored either. How could this be?
Lisa realized that she’d had at least ten older adults who had spoken into her life over the past 40 years. They offered wisdom, care, strength, correction, protection and invaluable support at key moments of growth and transition. Being coached and coaching–that process of walking alongside others and offering hard-earned wisdom to help strengthen leadership capacity–are core values of Lisa’s and a key part of what we do here on Freedom Road.
So, Freedom Road launched our Coaching Cohorts in 2020. Since then, Lisa has walked alongside dozens of leaders helping them to connect with and move toward their own life-visions, identify and prepare for leadership challenges, navigate critical leadership decisions, and build their posse.
As we enter 2025, a time of profound national and global transition, leadership will matter more than ever. Freedom Road is launching its next Coaching Cohort with a particular emphasis on strengthening the capacity of leaders to be a force for justice on new terrain.
Coaching Cohort members will receive:
Personalized one-to-one online coaching sessions with Lisa Sharon Harper.
Cohort group online mentoring sessions to multiply wisdom and strengthen network capacity.
XTraining Cohort members who want more investment will also receive weekly leadership exercises and suggested readings. This extra investment will build leadership muscle, increase resilience, and help move your own work forward in challenging times.
And for our Frontline Cohort members, Lisa will also share monthly hot-takes on current events with key questions to consider as you engage the issues within your context.
The 2025 Leadership Cohort launches on February 11, 2025.
Apply by New Year’s Eve for a 10% early bird discount!
Regular pricing application deadline is January 15, 2026.
Pricing will be as follows:
Leadership Cohort: $199/mth
Leadership XTraining: Cohort PLUS Weekly leadership development activities and quick briefs on recommended books. Additional $49/mth
Frontline: Cohort AND Leadership XTraining PLUS Monthly current-events hot-take videos from Lisa Sharon Harper. Includes critical questions to consider concerning each hot-take issue. Additional $19/mth
The Narrative Gap, as coined by Lisa Sharon Harper, is the distance between the stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves, including how we got here and what it will take to make things right. In our world today, competing narratives vie for our loyalty, dividing society and the church, therefore making justice impossible. Our mission is help communities shrink the narrative gap, by identifying core issues and building community capacity so they might work toward common solutions for a just world. Here on the Freedom Road Substack, we can converse together on ways to shrink that narrative gap and help ensure everyones’ stories are told.
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