Lisa Sharon Harper at F@F Anniversary Vigil
Join us to hear Lisa's words at the one year anniversary of the Friday's @ Fetterman's vigils
From our friends at Fridays @ Fetterman's regarding their One-Year Anniversary Commemoration on Friday, December 6th.
Register HERE.
Lisa Sharon Harper, Founder and President of Freedom Road, is a public theologian whose writing, speaking, activism, and training have sparked and fed the fires of re-formation in the church from Ferguson and Charlottesville to South Africa, Brazil, Australia, and Ireland.
Lisa was one of 25 war resisters arrested at Lockheed Martin on March 29, 2024 protesting Lockheed Martin’s profiteering role in supplying offensive weapons for Israel’s U.S.-funded war in Gaza.
Lisa’s book, Fortune: How Race Broke My Family And The World--And How To Repair It All was named one of the “Best Books of 2022,” and The Very Good Gospel was named 2016 “Book of the Year” by Englewood Review of Books.
The Huffington Post identified Lisa as one of 50 Women Religious Leaders to Celebrate on International Women’s Day.
Join Lisa Sharon Harper at the F@F Anniversary Vigil on 12.6.24.
Register HERE.
Fridays @ Fetterman’s One-Year Commemoration
Special Vigil for Peace in the Middle East
Friday, December 6, 2024
200 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
(rain or shine as always)
Followed by Free Community Lunch, Fellowship, & Musical Performance
by Aly Halpert @ Neighborhood House, 20 N. American Street, Philadelphia
Fridays @ Fetterman’s is asking folks to register for the vigil and to let us know if you plan to join us for the community lunch after the vigil.
Register HERE.
Our pledge…
We will faithfully gather outside the Philadelphia office of Senator Fetterman every Friday afternoon (12:15 pm – 1:15 pm) until the senator publicly supports our demand for an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza -- or the ceasefire is achieved with Sen. Fetterman standing
on the wrong side of history.
Our weekly peace vigil is rooted in radical nonviolence, and we expect vigil participants to refrain from violent actions, words,
or messages on signs and banners.
You can help by attending the upcoming vigil,
spreading the word to your contacts, and following us on social media
(see icon links below).
The "Fridays @ Fetterman's" weekly peace vigil has been endorsed by the American Friends Service Committee, the
Brandywine Peace Community, Community Peacemaker Teams, Freedom Road, Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia, IfNotNow Philly, Mennonite Action, Prayers for Peace Alliance, The Simple Way, and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Greater Philadelphia Branch
For more information, contact Terry Rumsey:
The Narrative Gap, as coined by Lisa Sharon Harper, is the distance between the stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves, including how we got here and what it will take to make things right. In our world today, competing narratives vie for our loyalty, dividing society and the church, therefore making justice impossible. Our mission is help communities shrink the narrative gap, by identifying core issues and building community capacity so they might work toward common solutions for a just world. Here on the Freedom Road Substack, we can converse together on ways to shrink that narrative gap and help ensure everyones’ stories are told.
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