Faith-Rooted Organizing draws from the roots of our traditions to help faith communities engage the larger movement for justice in our world. In this workshop, Lisa Sharon Harper will equip participants to analyze their community, strategize, build collaborative networks, and take action inspired by their faith!
As the U.S. transitions to the next presidential administration, there are a lot of reasons to throw up our hands and give up. But we cannot. Now is not the time for hopelessness. Now is the time for faith. Faith in God. Faith in the Jesus ethic. Faith in our power to actually be the body of Christ in our neighborhoods and cities and nation.
Now is the time to dig deep and grab hold of the same faith that took Fannie Lou Hamer from sharecropping in Mississippi to the Democratic Convention in Atlantic City. We need the faith that sustained young John Lewis from the Freedom Rides to the Edmund Pettus Bridge. We need the faith of Margaretta Forten and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Sojourner Truth. We need thick faith right now.
But it is not enough for us to learn from those who have gone before us in the U.S. We are entering new terrain. For that we must also turn to our brothers and sisters whose faith-soaked actions won their fights against authoritarian governments.
It’s time to get ready.
Join us for a FREE webinar Jan 13, 7-8pm ET | LIVE: Introduction to “Faith-Rooted Organizing on NEW Terrain” training.
And then Join us for this 6-week LIVE Webinar Series, “Faith-Rooted Organizing Training on NEW Terrain”
Mondays, Feb 3-Mar 10, 7-9pm ET
(Recordings available for registered participants).
The Narrative Gap, as coined by Lisa Sharon Harper, is the distance between the stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves, including how we got here and what it will take to make things right. In our world today, competing narratives vie for our loyalty, dividing society and the church, therefore making justice impossible. Our mission is help communities shrink the narrative gap, by identifying core issues and building community capacity so they might work toward common solutions for a just world. Here on the Freedom Road Substack, we can converse together on ways to shrink that narrative gap and help ensure everyones’ stories are told.
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